Profil Alumni

Adelya Zahraeni

Riwayat Edukasi

Sarjana Akuntansi, 5+ tahun pengalaman di akuntansi perpajakan. Mendalam prinsip akuntansi, regulasi perpajakan, dan pembukuan. Mahir di sistem akuntansi dan perpajakan, mencari posisi akuntan.

Riwayat Keahlian

  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
  • Accurate
  • eSPT
  • eFaktur
  • Auditing & Compliance
  • Taxation
  • Cost Analyst
  • Financial Reporting
  • Account Payable & Receivable

Ekspektasi Industri atau Perusahaan

Saya berekspektasi bekerja di BUMN, Instansi Kedinasan, dan Perusahan Tbk.

Pengalaman Kerja

PT. Kusuma Sampurna Mulia – Modernland, Tangerang City (Mei 2023 – Present) SPV Accounting

● Financial Reporting: Supervising the preparation, analysis, and presentation of financial statements. This involves ensuring compliance with accounting standards and regulations.

● Bookkeeping and General Ledger: Overseeing the maintenance of accurate and up-to-date accounting records, including journal entries, general ledger accounts, and reconciliations.

● Tax Compliance: Ensuring compliance with relevant tax laws and regulations by preparing and submitting accurate and timely tax returns.

● Team Management: Supervising a team of accountants and providing guidance, training, and performance evaluations. Ensuring that the team’s workload is appropriately assigned and deadlines are met.

● Financial Analysis: Conducting financial analysis to support decision-making processes, such as investment opportunities, cost analysis, and profitability assessments. Providing insights and recommendations based on the analysis. PT. Kusuma Sampurna Mulia – Modernland, Tangerang City (Apr 2020 – Apr 2023) Staff Accounting

● Maintain a Journal of the Company’s Financial Transactions.

● Generate Sales Invoices and Tax Invoices for Record-keeping.

● Conduct Data Reconciliation and Make Adjustments as needed

● Prepare Comprehensive Financial Reports. ● Compile Reports Related to Corporate Taxation, such as PPh 23 and VAT.

● Perform Stock Taking/Stock Opname. CV. Multi Konsultindo – Kalideres, West Jakarta (Jan 2018 – Apr 2020) Staff Accountant and Tax

● Conducted accurate and timely tax calculations, ensuring compliance with regulations for various tax types, including PPh 21, 22, 23, 4(2), and VAT.

● Managed tax payments, ensuring prompt submission and adherence to deadlines.

● Prepared comprehensive tax reports, providing detailed information on tax liabilities, deductions, and credits.

● Recorded and maintained the company’s business transaction data accurately, ensuring proper documentation and organization

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